Dutchess County Public Transit Selects Preteckt To Empower Its Bus Maintenance With AI

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Agency adds innovation at the county level to assist better ridership

Preteckt works with the existing systems at DCPT, it is a great application of AI to bus maintenance. Our teams saw immediate benefits and this technology is now part of our maintenance toolset.”

— Michael Grattini, Director of Public Transit for Dutchess County

POUGHKEEPSIE, NY, USA, August 14, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Preteckt, a Hamilton, Ont.-founded, Memphis-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) company, has secured a commercial agreement with Dutchess County Public Transit (DCPT). By harnessing the latest cloud and AI technologies, Preteckt’s AI-powered predictive maintenance can detect issues in buses before they become progressively worse and empowers bus maintenance teams with precise repair plans to ensure safer and more reliable vehicles.

The agreement will see Preteckt’s technology used across DCPT’s fleet of buses. DCPT carried out a robust procurement process to find a technology that would improve fleet maintenance and selected Preteckt’s technology, as its solution was the only one that met the requirements. This AI solution for maintenance has the support from the agency’s technology and maintenance teams.

“Preteckt’s technology works with the existing systems at DCPT and it is a great application of AI to bus maintenance. Our maintenance teams saw immediate benefits and this technology is being incorporated as part of our maintenance toolset,” said Michael Grattini, Director of Public Transit for Dutchess County. “Our team has also started using Preteckt for remote maintenance, which is especially useful now as supply chain issues have impacted availability of much-needed diagnostic tools.”

“Preteckt recognizes DCPT’s leadership for the foresight and vision to add our AI tool to assist their maintenance teams,” said Krish Inbarajan, CEO of Preteckt. “The same technology being deployed at the largest transit agency NYC Transit is being used at DCPT. Software does not differentiate by size of fleet.”

This commercial agreement is part of Preteckt’s expansion into transit authorities across North America. After successfully fine-tuning its proven AI innovation from the trucking industry and applying it to transit fleets, Preteckt now supports 10 commercial contracts and several pilots across North America.

“Preteckt is an AI company, but our only focus is AI for vehicle maintenance,” said Inbarajan. “By bringing innovation to the vehicle maintenance industry, which hasn’t seen a lot of changes in the past few decades, we are empowering vehicle technicians with a powerful tool that can pinpoint issues in bus engines, thus saving time and reducing costs for the agency.”

This commercial agreement is part of Preteckt’s expansion into transit authorities across North America. After successfully fine-tuning its proven AI innovation from the trucking industry and applying it to transit fleets, Preteckt now supports several commercial contracts and numerous pilots across North America. Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) was the first transit agency to implement this technology after seeing it being used with heavy-duty trucks. Recent announcements include Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA), Saskatoon Transit and New York City Transit.

About Preteckt
Preteckt is an AI company focused on vehicle maintenance to increase vehicle availability, improve safety, and reduce costs. We are doing this to support maintenance staff and enable the future of work. The technology was initially developed for trucking but has since expanded to serve other fleets such as transit and school buses. Preteckt supports existing gas and diesel engines and is bringing our technology to electric vehicles in partnership with several fleets. The Preteckt team is passionate to serve the maintainers in the industry. Maintenance, maintainers, and digital workflow is our focus area.

Krish Inbarajan, CEO

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