New York City Transit recognized at UITP Awards for using Preteckt’s AI software to maintain bus fleet

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The global public transit awards celebrate the most ambitious and innovative transportation projects around the world.

Predictive maintenance on our aftertreatment system has helped prevent road calls and service disruptions, schedule and complete repairs more efficiently and provide reliable service to our customers.”

— Frank Annicaro, SVP of Bus Operations, MTA New York City Transit

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, July 10, 2023/ — Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP) has announced that New York City Transit (NYCT) has received a Special Recognition distinction at the UITP Awards 2023 in Barcelona for its use of Preteckt’s AI-powered predictive maintenance technology to maintain its bus fleet. NYCT was selected alongside 10 other international transit agencies with projects that have achieved exceptional impact within their local communities.

The Special Recognition Awards are a part of the international UITP Awards and are awarded to outstanding projects from each of the world’s regions (Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Asia Pacific, Eurasia, Europe, India, Latin America, MENA and North America).

The MTA New York City Transit (Department of Buses) was celebrated for the project, “Expanding Prognostics and Integrating Machine Learning with Bus Telematics,” which uses Preteckt’s technology in over 1,500 buses across NYCT’s fleet.

“Predictive maintenance on our aftertreatment system has helped the Department of Buses prevent road calls and service disruptions, schedule and complete repairs more efficiently and provide reliable service to our customers” said Frank Annicaro, Senior Vice President of Bus Operations, MTA New York City Transit.

Preteckt’s partnership with NYCT began when it won a pilot through New York’s Transit Tech Lab program in 2019. Through this pilot, Preteckt demonstrated that its AI-driven Repair Plans delivered a 43 percent increase in maintenance productivity and 24 percent reduction in material costs to NYCT. Preteckt’s AI-powered predictive maintenance can detect issues in buses early on, which prevents progressive damage and on-the-road breakdowns, while ensuring safer, more reliable vehicles.

“AI is a hot topic right now, but NYCT had a clear strategy to experiment with this technology back in 2019. By implementing Preteckt across their maintenance operations, NYCT has leveraged a tool that allows it to increase both reliability and productivity. We are eager to share this innovation with other transit maintenance teams,” said Krish Inbarajan, CEO of Preteckt.

UITP is the International Association of Public Transport and a passionate champion of sustainable urban mobility. The UITP Awards 2023 is touted as the coveted prize in public transport and the event showcases the most ambitious and innovative projects of the last two years in cities and regions around the globe.

About Preteckt
Preteckt is an AI company focused on maintenance to increase vehicle availability, improve safety, reduce costs, support maintenance staff, and enable the future of work. We support the existing internal combustion engine and are expanding our technology to electric vehicles in partnership with several fleets. Our team is passionate to serve the maintainers in the industry. Maintenance, maintainers, and digital workflow is our initial focus area.

Preteckt contact:

Krish Inbarajan
CEO, Preteckt
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